Looming Danger
How thankful are we for the news channels when they warn us of any looming danger? Cyclones are normally always reported before the event. This helps those in the line of fire to prepare for the imminent peril. These types of warnings save lives. Not long ago I decided to add another page to my blog and I called it the “Sentinel” for the exact same reason, to save lives. This morning my message will not be popular, but most certainly needful, without the cry of the sentry throughout the land the impending danger could be missed. So many in our world have “eyes wide shut”, however by the grace of God, today my eyes are wide open, God has afforded me insight to warn those who have ears to listen. Will you take what I have to say seriously? There is an infestation of decoys that have been specifically placed through the different platforms of our world that looks to hide the truth and to keep the masses believing the lies. It is with a sombre heart that I open my mouth this morn...