Looming Danger
How thankful are we
for the news channels when they warn us of any looming danger? Cyclones are
normally always reported before the event. This helps those in the line of fire
to prepare for the imminent peril. These types of warnings save lives. Not long
ago I decided to add another page to my blog and I called it the “Sentinel” for
the exact same reason, to save lives. This morning my message will not be
popular, but most certainly needful, without the cry of the sentry throughout
the land the impending danger could be missed. So many in our world have “eyes
wide shut”, however by the grace of God, today my eyes are wide open, God has
afforded me insight to warn those who have ears to listen. Will you take what I
have to say seriously? There is an infestation of decoys that have been
specifically placed through the different platforms of our world that looks to
hide the truth and to keep the masses believing the lies.
It is with a sombre heart that I open my mouth this morning, but open it I must. The voice of reason is that of tolerance, if we look deep enough we will notice that the smear campaign against the Word of God is full of defiance, whilst pretending to be His ally. Christian organisations twisting the Word of God in order to accommodate their sin. Instead of acknowledging that we have a problem and we need to be saved from ourselves, we rather excuses or sin and introduce ways to accommodate them; same sex marriages, woman usurping authority over men, not to say that some don’t do a better job, be that as it may, the Word and God’s order is clear on the subject. He has determined the way in which we are to find grace in order to live a life pleasing Him. We all have our cross to bear and we have been afforded the opportunity to find God’s grace to overcome, we all fall privy to failure, but what we cannot do is accommodate sin as an acceptable norm. In other words, twist God’s word to suit our carnality. Satan defied God and went against God’s order and His Word and because of this Jehovah has prepared a place for the devil and the angels who followed him; “and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” (Revelations 20:10) – I know for many this is a hard pill to swallow, judgement and the way the preacher continually cries foul. Do you think I enjoy putting out messages like these? I can assure you, it is never my first choice. However, without an echo to the warnings God has given us we would be no different to the dumbest of all animals, the ostrich, the one who buries their head in the sand hoping because they cannot see the predators attack that they will be safe from it. If we turn a blind eye to God’s warning found throughout scripture, we are no different to the ostrich. In fact, we are quick to quote that God is love, which He is, but I must remind you that the God man Jesus spoke more about hell than he did about heaven. Do you think we should take note? We must understand judgment if we have any chance of truly embracing rescue. It’s time to stand up and be counted, the shaking of God has begun and it’s the church that will be tested first; “For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”
(1Peter 4:17)
This world is so full
of lies that it sickens me to my stomach and the worry of it all eats away at
my soul. I cannot stress enough how it affects me. You cannot flip through the
channels on TV and miss the propaganda that Hollywood is thrusting out. Their
agenda is an obvious one, to defy God and to get the world to embrace their
expression as the voice of reason. Every generation has its own agenda, the
voice that now rings out is a tolerance for others and their choices,
regardless of what that looks like, “you see we must love one another”. There
is no greater love that an individual can have than to lay down his life for
others. I have been truthful and I have warned you of the looming danger. I beg
you to take what I have said seriously, your eternal existence depends upon it.
Same sex marriages and woman looking to defy God’s order is extremely
fashionable, but nothing more than another decoy getting the masses to embrace
a lie as if it will have little or no consequences to our lives; “But as for the
cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually
immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion
will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second
death.”” (Revelations 21:8)
Gods shaking has
begun and only those whose foundation is firmly grounded on the ROCK JESUS
CHRIST will endure what is to follow.
It is true that
without the mercy of God in our lives we will all be tricked into believing the
lies. Christian let us not forget to pray for one another. I love you Father
God and I thank you for every provision you provide for your children, may your
grace now abound in the lives of all those who shall be put to the test. May we
sit at the feet of Jesus and when the pressure increases, which will happen, may
we shuffle even closer.
There is so much more
to be said on this topic, sadly I have reach my word count on this particular
post. To God be the glory now and forever more, Amen and Amen!
Signing off
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